Unattended Automation

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Unattended Automation

Unattended Automation capabilities available in AtomIQ makes it a truly standalone enterprise automation tool. With an array of features, AtomIQ can now automate and monitor your batch jobs, providing greater functionality and a near seamless user experience.

Key Features


Job Grouping

With job grouping, you can consolidate all your jobs based on business processes giving users a very streamlined way to schedule jobs. Multiple streams can be created for each module – Sales, GL, AR, AP etc.

Dependency Management

With dependency management, users can gain control over the sequencing of dependencies & multiple streams. With AtomIQ, you can schedule jobs based on singular or multiple dependencies & between jobs or streams.


AtomIQ supports a vast and growing list of adapters. Adapters currently supported: E1, Databases, REST, OS Scripts, FTP, etc.

Groovy Scripting

AtomIQ is a no-code automation tool for the delight of citizen developers who want instant results. Groovy scripting is also available to create complex orchestrations.

Conditional Scheduling

Conditional scheduling can be defined to trigger a group of batch jobs. Conditions can be setup based on: Date & Time, Data-Driven, File Check/FTP, Email, On Demand, REST API.


Data Driven Iterations

AtomIQ is a no-code automation tool for the delight of citizen developers who want instant results. Groovy scripting is also available to create complex orchestrations.

Other Features

Job/Process Monitoring

Job Notifications & Alerts

Multiple Scheduling Options

On Demand Submissions

Multi-Time Zone Support


Process Visualizations

Detailed Logging

Monitoring feature